by HTA | Jun 27, 2018 | Festivals, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
HTA is heading back to the Winnipeg Fringe for our TENTH TIME with “Classic!” We’ve been performing at the Fringe since 2006 when the five tender, young, recent theatre school graduates banded together to create Hands On! It was a surprise success...
by HTA | Jul 10, 2017 | Festivals, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
We’re only a few days away from the start of the most wonderful time of year: Fringe! HTA is returning for our 11th year together! And our 9th Fringe show. We’re currently putting the finishing touches on a year of truly weird, fun, and “extremely...
by HTA | Jun 26, 2017 | Festivals, Uncategorized, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
Lots more information will be coming out in the coming weeks, but HTA is as happy as a piranha at a feeding frenzy to announce that we’re heading back to the Winnipeg Fringe this year which runs from July 19th to 30th! Our show Fourplay will be on every night a...
by HTA | Jul 8, 2015 | Festivals, Uncategorized, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
HTA has been together since the spring of 2006, 9 years. When it started, for the first couple months, it was just the girls. Until they brought on Garth and fellow UofW theatre student Grant Burr. Our first show was at the Winnipeg Fringe that summer and it was a...
by HTA | Jul 14, 2014 | Uncategorized, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
So Winnipeg Fringe is once again upon us, but this time, for the first time in 6 years, HTA is taking the summer off! Alas, it’s true, no HTA show at the Fringe this year. It’s not you! It’s us! We just needed a summer off for the first time in...
by HTA | Mar 7, 2014 | Festivals, Uncategorized, Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Winnipeg Fringe Festival
Man, we must be having fun, because last time we checked, it was November and we were gearing up for our Christmas show, and now, suddenly it’s March. In the meantime we travelled to Vancouver, for their inagural SketchFest, where we had a great time, performing...